Lexington, Ky. – June 9, 2020 – Kentucky Horse Shows LLC is pleased to announce that the prize lists for the 2020 Bluegrass Festival Horse Show and the KHJA Horse Show are now available online. Following the Kentucky Summer Horse Shows and USEF Pony Finals, these two shows offer an additional two more weeks of top-notch hunter/jumper competition at the breathtaking Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky.
On top of regularly scheduled competition, the Bluegrass Festival Horse Show will also host the Platinum Performance/USHJA International Hunter Derby Championship, as well as the Platinum Performance/USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Championship. An addition to the KHJA Horse Show, top junior hunter riders will gather at the Kentucky Horse Park for the 2020 USEF Junior Hunter Finals – East Coast on August 23-24.
The prize list and entry forms can be accessed here .
At this point in time we are planning to proceed as scheduled with our shows. Entries and stall reservations by mail and online are open immediately. PLEASE NOTE: FOR A STALL RESERVATION TO BE ACCEPTED AND PROCESSED IT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ACTUAL HORSE ENTRY. TACK STALLS MAY BE REQUESTED AT 1 TACK STALL PER 3 HORSES. Entries and stall reservations may be secured online by credit card and by mail with a check. However, no credit cards will be charged and no checks deposited until we are certain that the shows can be held safely. At that time all entries will be considered definite entries and will become subject to the show policy regarding scratches as outlined in the prize list.
We have developed protocols to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the horse show environment once horse shows start again. These procedures were arrived at with the guidance of state and local health authorities as well as USEF, and will be published soon for review. The driving force for all involved will be the health and safety of all exhibitors, their employees and show staff.
We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and maintain communication with the Kentucky Horse Park, state and local health officials and USEF. Should we determine that the shows can’t be held safely we will notify all affected parties immediately. In the meantime, we will distribute any updates by email and social media. You can also monitor our website at www.kentuckyhorseshows.com .
For the 2020 show season, all Kentucky Horse Shows prize lists will only be available in digital format. For more information about the Kentucky Summer Series, please refer to the prize list on www.kentuckyhorseshows.com